NEW DARK: Full free show now available on Youtube

Chris Parry

NEW DARK, our recent show at the Commodore Ballroom, was unfortauntely scheduled on a night the Vancouver Canucks were also in town playing a second round hockey playoff game, so some of you couldn’t be there.

500 of you, however, turned up and enjoyed one hell of a show.

So we figured, what the hell, let’s allow those who couldn’t be there to catch it late on video-on-demand.

Here it is, for your viewing pleasure, the entirety of NEW DARK.

Enjoy the show.

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If you have an Amazon TV, and you enjoy Nation Extreme Wrestling, you’re in luck. As of today, Nation Extreme Wrestling now has an Amazon Fire TV app, with all our shows available for 4K viewing for FREE. If you have a Fire TV, get your NEW app right here! […]

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