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Nation Extreme Wrestling: What to expect from an NEW show

If you’ve never attended a professional wrestling show before, it’s fair to have some pre-conceived notions and questions about what might go on.

You might have childhood memories of big guys in trunks on 1970’s Saturday morning TV, bumping bellies, and perhaps not being so progressive with their depictions of gender, ethnic, and indigenous stereotypes. You might recall indian chiefs in head-dresses and midgets and lots of yelling at the camera, ‘live from the Saddledome.’

Or you might be a child of the 80s and 90s, where the WWE ruled the airwaves, and steroids and sexual innuendo and action figures were the order of the day.

Things have come a long way.

Here’s the reality of professional wrestling today: Our performers are highly trained athletes who can spend years honing their craft before they’re permitted to be in a live show. You’re no longer automatically a ‘bad guy’ if you’re indigenous, or an obvious ethnicity, or ‘different,’ and women aren’t set dressing anymore.


Nation Extreme Wrestling was founded to help bring professional wrestling to every fan, in a way in which everyone can see themselves represented, respected, and equal.

Our shows are highly produced, filmed for broadcast on Telus TV and through our streaming apps, and our crowds vary between all demographics, genders, and age ranges.

If you’re a grandparent wanting to take your kids and grandkids to a show, you won’t find the experience age-inappropriate or awkward. If you’re a parent wondering if the crowd might get rowdy – be assured, it will – but not in a way that will leave you or your family feeling unsafe.

  • We have a zero tolerance policy for sexism, homophobia, racism, bigotry, and bullying – backstage, on-stage, and in the crowd.
  • We regularly run all ages shows, where the content will be exciting, spontaneous, and even feel dangerous, but stays within the bounds of what’s acceptable for children.
  • We also run 19+ shows at licensed venues, where the show gets more raucous.

NOTE: If you buy front row tickets, you should know ahead of time that you’re in ‘the splash zone’, where the action may end up spilling out onto the floor in front of you. Our security staff are atuned to when this is likely to happen and will scoot you aside and out of any risk, so if someone tells you to move… MOVE.


NEW shows are designed to maximize fan engagement while also keeping things safe for all concerned.

We have successfully run shows at venues as varied as Nat Bailey Stadium, the Vancouver Convention Centre, The Commodore Ballroom, and high school theatres.

We produce events that are licensed for alcohol or otherwise, depending on your venue and municipal requirements.

Our shows usually run a max of three hours. From call time to full set breakdown is usually a nine hour stretch, with the show proper running for a max of three hours.

All shows are fully insured by Lloyds of London, and medical staff are present ring-side.

We provide our own security, medical, and production personnel.

Our ring is 19 feet x 19 feet, and we generally require a minimum of 18 feet of vertical clearance, with stage door access that allows entry/exit for 19-foot long pieces.

This is what you can expect:


We run events under the direction of a BC non-profit society, the West Coast Wrestling Federation (WCWF), the mandate of which is to host community wrestling events across BC to help local performers gain in-ring experience and launch their professional careers, while educating the public about the artform, and maintaining a code of conduct that supports equity, diversity, and respect by all participants.

The WCWF provides performers with a platform to enhance their reputation through shows, photo days, seminars, and industry support.

We are NOT classified as a sporting event, but a theatrical event built around sports as a theme, not unlike the way the movie Rocky is not considered a boxing event.

We have never had crowd trouble, insurance claims, venue damage, or police calls for any of our shows.

We are sponsor friendly, parent friendly, and corporate friendly.


NEW can bring a show to your corporate, municipal, or community event on a per-show basis, at prices starting at $4k and ranging upwards based upon your specific needs.

You’re welcome to sell tickets, sponsorships and/or obtain grants for these shows and book us on a regular or ad-hoc basis, covering the cost of the venue, staffing, and incidentals yourself. We’ll bring the ring and the performers, and reserve the right to film the event for our own use.

Contact us at 778 927-2485 for details.