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NEW HQ: Bully Crew behaviour leaves tag team scene in turmoil

Nation Extreme Wrestling boss Chris Parry led an all-hands team meeting at NEW headquarters this past Monday to demand General Manager Alex Plexis ‘do something’ about the US-based ‘Bully Crew‘ of Alan Angels and Royce Isaacs.

As HR Director Henry Reed passed around company manuals outlining behaviour expectations and Taryn From Accounting printed out spreadsheets, Plexis stunned the room by tearing his manual in half, flipping it over his shoulder, and walking out muttering “your problem” as the stunned management group looked on.

Angels and Isaacs turned NEW 15 into a chaotic scene as they rag-dolled tag team champs Re:Loaded, happily took a disqualification loss, and proceeded to kick around the NEW Security team in front of a packed Commodore Ballroom.

“We paid good money to bring these guys out to Vancouver and offered them a title shot, and they treated the company and the fans with utter derision,” Parry said, adding, “If we bring them back – and it’s a big if at this point – there’s going to be conditions. We have plenty of assholes in Canada, we don’t need to import any from America.”

HR Director Henry Reed

HR head Reed stated Taryn, NEW’s accounting boss, was a perfect model of how to behave in a corporate setting.

“Taryn does her work, gets through her to-do list, delivers on all key metrics and follows the personnel guidelines to the letter. If we could find out who keeps leaving ‘80085’ on all the office calculators, we’d be in really good shape going forward.”

Wyatt Arndt pointed out Re:Loaded remain the champs and are expecting more big name opposition from out-of-town in coming shows, but the current locally-based tag team roster, including up n’coming ex-champs ULT, and veteran teams such as the Voros Twins, Illa Tribe, and the Wisemen, are all expecting their own shots at the strap soon.

“What do we even do here,” asked Arndt. “We can’t repay the Bully Crew’s behaviour with another title shot, but they’re obviously the scariest tag team in the division. It’s an absolute mess.”

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